Pengutronix at FrOSCon 2018

This year, a team from Pengutronix attended FrOSCon in St. Augustin for the first time. We took the opportunity to shake hands, talk about our latest developments and meet hackers interested in working with embedded Linux.

To show some of our work, we brought a demo for updating embedded devices with RAUC and hawkBIT and a Video Demo based on a fully open-source graphics stack with Etnaviv, Weston and GStreamer, cycling through four of the Blender Project's Open Movies in HD resolution.

Our hardware hacker had some fruitful discussions about electronic designs and possible use-cases for tools like our USB-SD-Mux, that makes the annoying juggling of SD cards between development host and target hardware a remnant of the past. When we started with that project, we would never have guessed that there was such a high demand for such a device, but from the large number of interested questions we gather that this is a niche that needs to be filled.

We also recognize that testing embedded devices is becoming an increasingly important and visible subject in the community. This motivates us to continue our efforts around this topic.

Besides that, our Penguin stickers and black pencils were popular as usual ;)

We'd like to thank FrOSCon Team for this great conference.

Further Readings

Pengutronix at FrOSCon 2024

On August 17th and 18th, 2024, it's that time again: FrOSCon will take place at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences in Sankt Augustin - and Pengutronix will be there again as a Partner.

Pengutronix at Embedded World 2024

Meet Pengutronix at the Embedded World 2024 in Nurnberg! You find us, as always, in hall 4, booth 4-261. As usual, we will be showing demonstrators on current topics at our exhibition stand.

Chemnitzer Linux-Tage 2024

Pengutronix war auch in diesem Jahr wieder auf den Chemnitzer Linux Tagen dabei. Wie jedes Jahr sind die CLT eine willkommene Gelegenheit Freunde zu treffen und sich über Linux, Open Source und den Rest der Welt auszutauschen.

RAUC v1.11 Released

Ho Ho ho! As the year's progress bar approaches 99%, another update is already completed: RAUC v1.11 is here!

FrOSCon 2023

In a few hours, the 18th FrOSCon will begin at the Bonn-Rhein-Sieg University of Applied Sciences. Pengutronix will be there again with a small team. At one of the partner booths we will show some of our activities in the open source community. We will bring our labgrid demonstrator and the FPGA demo.

Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2023: Our Recommendations

Last month Pengutronix was present at the Embedded Open Source Summit (EOSS) in Prague. Thanks to all to all speakers for sharing your knowledge! In this blog post we want to shine a spotlight at a few talks that we found especially interesting. (Links to recordings will be added once the recordings are available.)

RAUC v1.10 Released

Just in time for the EOSS 2023 in Prague, we have released v1.10 of RAUC. Just-in-time means the release was actually finalized by Jan Lübbe in the train to Prague (like I finally wrote the majority of this blog post on the train back).

Embedded Linux Conference Europe 2023: Our Contributions

This year the Embedded Linux Conference Europe (ELCE) is back in Prague! Pengutronix, again, is on a field trip with 15 colleges to attend the conference. The ELCE is one of the big conferences where the Embedded Linux Community meets during the year. This time the ELCE is part of the Embedded Open Source Summit (EOSS): a new conference with only embedded topics and without cloud- or crypto-tracks.

RAUC v1.9 Released

"Getting things off the ground" could be the motto for the v1.9 release of RAUC. The support for custom metadata in the manifest got a step further, a new, more flexible, D-Bus API for bundle inspection paved the way for obtaining more detailed information, and a new manifest hash marks the first of several planned changes for configurable event logging. However, one of the most invasive changes happened under the hood: We have started the transition from autotools to meson as a build system.

Showcase: Graphics on i.MX8MP

Enabling the graphics output pipeline on the i.MX8M Plus (i.MX8MP for short), is the most recent example on how open-source and upstream driver support for GPU and display engines can reduce effort and risk in a new project.